Getting Advice
Whilst we try to make our information as independent and informative as possible, we would always encourage you to do further research. We have listed below some independent bodies and organisations which provide information about medical aesthetic procedures.

Independent Organisations
NHS - General advice about non-surgical procedures.
JCCP (Joint Council Cosmetic Practitioners) - General advice about non-surgical procedures.
Save Face - Information about non-surgical procedures.
ACE (Aesthetic Complications Experts) - Handy leaflets about aesthetic procedures.
Real Self - Impartial patient reviews and before and after photographs for aesthetic procedures.

Give Us Your Feedback
We love to make our patients feel happy, safe and well supported but to do that, we need to know the things we're doing well and those we can improve on.
Please feedback to us using the online feedback forms that we send to you, the printed feedback forms in clinic or speak to one of our team.
The Care Quality Commission want to know what we are doing well too so don't hesitate to leave feedback with them if you have received a CQC regulated treatment.